Thursday, June 4, 2009

in a year

Exactly one year ago I graduated from James Campbell High School. I remember feeling so stressed out because I was nervous about my speech. To add to that I felt like the world that I had grown so accustom to was melting away. Back then my life was soooo routine. On week days I had school, then after school I had AP Art History or Student Government. Then after that I had tennis practice. Then I'd go home and do whatever home I had, then I would talk on the phone all night until I fell asleep. Weekends were pretty set for me too. Saturday mornings were reserved for family time and nights were reserved for hanging out with my friends. Sundays was work, then church. Then my week would start all over again. I was comfortable with my life. Things were set for me. I was finally content. Good standing at work, had a caring boyfriend, high school responsibilities were finally over, had a good thing going at church. Then I made my final decision to attend Washington State University. Everything changed.

With my decision to leave Hawaii for college, I decided that I wanted to spend my summer spending as much time with my friends and family as possible. Since I was leaving I kinda of strayed away from being so involved with church activities. I still attended mass, but my friends and I just wanted to make sure we spent as much time with each other as possible. Even if it meant not going to the church activities that we hardly ever missed before. Then I let my job know that I would be leaving in August, they already had my replacement. Then, I broke up with my boyfriend. I decided that our relationship was too premature to endure a long distance relationship. I didn't want to put myself into a situation like that. i was excited to leave to finally get to start over. No more ex-boyfriends who could distract me. I had a great summer, but when I arrived in Pullman I felt like I had nothing. I started to regret ever leaving Hawaii. I thought about it, if I stayed everything would have been almost perfect for me.

But now, looking back on it all, I wouldn't change a thing. Leaving Hawaii was the best decision I ever made. Leaving opened my eyes to the real world. It taught me to take responsibility for myself, to take care of myself. I lost a lot of friends when I left Hawaii, but those people that I lost were never my friends to begin with anyway if all it takes is 3000 miles for them to stop caring. IDK what my point was for this blog. I just needed to get some stuff off my mind.
<3, kim

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