Monday, May 25, 2009

All Blind && All Bust

Setting up this blog site was easier than I thought. =]

Man, so far this summer all I could think about is my glasses. During finals week they broke.
I know sad story! We tried everything, from super glue to tape. The only thing that works is hot glue. So now my glasses has this noticeable blob of glue at the bridge. UGH, talk about embarrassing. I'm so embarrassed to go out in public that I'm literally hiding. I only go to places where people I know won't be. But, I found out a couple of days ago that they have to special order my lenses. So that means it's going to take a whole week longer to get them done. UGH! FML

So what's on your mind?
<3, kim


  1. sooner or later it will arrive!! :)

  2. This will sound lame but: "those that matter wont care how you look and those that care how you look don't matter." Cheer up! We tease you about it, but then again, we tease each other about everything! :)
