Friday, May 29, 2009

the WAIT is OVER...

this is SERIOUSLY an OMG moment!


I'll show pictures later. Yay! My summer can finally start!
Finally all smiles. =))

Now my glasses aren't on my mind!
Got anything on yours?
<3, kim

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Reliving High School

Today I spent the whole day at James Campbell High School, my Alma Mater =]. && WOW! I forgot how long a whole school day is. SIX HOURS!!! I can't believe that I was able to stay focused for six whole hours. NO WONDER PEOPLE GO OFF CAMPUS FOR LUNCH! They need to get away from all the education! HAHA jk =P

So anyways, the reason I was there is because I promised Ms. Tanaka (12th grade english teacher) that I would help her with the '09 graduation && talk to her classes about my college experience. Apparently c/o '09 has really been slacking, && I would know, because I was in charge of all things graduation for c/o '08. Where c/o '09 is right now was where I was 2 - 3 weeks before graduation. This year's graduation is less than two weeks away and there are still CHOKE people who haven't turned in forms. I feel bad for Tanaka, because not only does she has to be a teacher now she has to do graduation stuff that c/o '09 should have taken care of. I understand that this is an exciting time for all the seniors including the council. BUT getting graduation totally organized and finalized is an important factor. I'm willing to help, but remember this is your graduation and you guys should want to put your heart&&soul into the planning like we did.

Like I said earlier, I was also there talking to Tanaka's classes about my college experience. I experienced A LOT during my first year at Washington State University some bad, some sad, but mostly good.
I grew up and met A LOT of great people who I think might become some life-long friends.
I just want to say that you will never really know until you try it. What I told you guys today in class were just words. You guys need to experience it for yourselves and decide whether or not you like it or not. Remember, Hawaii will always be here for you, like it is for me.
I ♥ Hawaii! =]

That was on my mind all day, thanks for reading.

Anything you wanna get off your mind?
<3, kim

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another Day at Home

It sucks that my brother got his license, I mean I know when I was driving him around my senior year I complained that he should get his license and stop relying on me to take him everywhere. But now that he has his license I don't have a car to use! WHICH TOTALLY SUCKS! So even if I had my glasses and wasn't hiding from the world, I still wouldn't be able to go out. What irritates me though is that whenever he does need someone to pick him up because he "can't" drive, I HAVE TO PICK HIM UP. && when my parents need someone to drop off/pick up my sister, guess who does it...ME. I know it sounds like I'm whining and just being a spoiled brat. But really, ever since I got back all my parents do is tell me to clean the house, wash the car, walk the dogs, lose weight. It's like middle-child-syndrome all over again. && not only that, but my parents constantly make me feel bad about going away for college. It's like they want me to fail, just so I have no choice but to transfer. They say they support me, but they don't really show it.

So that's what's on my mind.

What's on your mind?
<3, kim

Monday, May 25, 2009

All Blind && All Bust

Setting up this blog site was easier than I thought. =]

Man, so far this summer all I could think about is my glasses. During finals week they broke.
I know sad story! We tried everything, from super glue to tape. The only thing that works is hot glue. So now my glasses has this noticeable blob of glue at the bridge. UGH, talk about embarrassing. I'm so embarrassed to go out in public that I'm literally hiding. I only go to places where people I know won't be. But, I found out a couple of days ago that they have to special order my lenses. So that means it's going to take a whole week longer to get them done. UGH! FML

So what's on your mind?
<3, kim